Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 236 (Erev Erev Erev Chag)

Because BSM's stomach has been bothering him so frequently, I took him to the doctor. Unlike the doctor for grown-ups, the pediatrician is great. He listened to what I had to say and asked relevant questions, then told me not to worry about dehydration (which I hadn't told him specifically I was worrying about, but, yes, that was my main concern), ordered some tests in the meanwhile, and gave me some good advice for stomach bugs. He also explained a little about how the clinic works (without yelling at me for not knowing) and wished BSM a refuah shelaima. Like I said, a good doctor.

After the doctor visit, I went grocery shopping. I got a kick out of the fact that as I passed the shopping center guards, I saw them inspecting an esrog. On the grocery-store front, I didn't know what I wanted to make, so I didn't know what I wanted to buy, so I took the safe course and just bought everything.

I had a busy baking day: challah, pie crust, and coconut-chocolate-chip cookies. Luckily, one of the things I had bought at Rami Levy was good chocolate chips. I am officially sick and tired of "chocolate-flavored chips," so I shelled out the extra 60 cents for the real deal. My Gosh. I feel much more the wastrel when the prices are in shekel. I can pay 60 cents more for something that tastes like chocolate instead of margarine!

In the less cool news, sure enough, my cookie sheets do not fit in in our oven. (And no, two 9x13's do not fit on one shelf.) Still, I think we'll try to figure out a dishwasher before we try to figure out a bigger oven. Anyway, I can fit a 9x13 and a loaf pan per shelf, and since I rarely get more than two challot on a cookie sheet, it hardly matters in terms of challah baking. Still, not being able to use my beautiful cookie sheets is disappointing.

We also finally invited Sukkos (and Shabbos) guests. I gave my little "I know it's late, but" introduction to everyone except the Kornbluths. On the first night of Rosh HaShana, they invited us to come for lunch the next day, with our guests. They are our kind of people.

Speaking of leaving things for the last minute, Rabbi Gold came over today and looked at our "sukkah-site" and told us that we only have to put up one board in order to have a kosher sukkah. Heck yeah, baby.

On the unpacking front, I have yet to find some kitchen stuff (notably my pareve rolling pin and electronic scale). Husbinator made the terrifying observation that the movers may have thrown them in with our Pesach stuff. Oh, dear L-rd, help us all.

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