Husbinator and I went to Mea Shearim today. Husbinator, G-d bless him, has put his foot down and declared we need a dryer. Now. No more scratchy, board-like towels. No more T-shirts with internal good posture. No more having fully- or nearly-dry laundry get wet in the rain. (Rain!) So we went and we saw and we bought. The guy who sold us the dryer looked pretty familiar: turns out he's the guy who sold us our beds, and we saw him two days ago when he brought over the correct-sized frame.
So we chatted a bit (but not much, because we had to dash to pick up the BabeO), and he said if we owned our house, we should do something about the attic entrance. Tell me about it! It was very heartening, though: his next sentence was, "You know, in the States, they have folding steps that you can pull down..." Yes! That's what I want if we end up buying a house with an attic entrance like this one, but I didn't know if they had them in Israel! I asked the guy about that, and he said, "Eh, you can get anything made."
This Shabbos, we are having guests who only eat meat with one of four hechsherim, so I went to Rami Levy tonight and looked at Every Single Package of Meat or Chicken. Every One. (Yes, we had just been in Mea Shearim/Geulah, but we ran out of time and didn't have time to double back and buy meat/chicken.) It's a good thing I went tonight, because Rami Levy does not have a single one of those hechsherim. (For the record, they are Eida Charedis, Rubin, Landau, and Hacker. That last, according to the woman whom I took to Rami Levy with me, is not actually a hechsher, but a butcher.)
In the terrible news department, I heard about the baby girl tonight. As much as I like to keep things upbeat, this is... I don't know what it is. But it is very upsetting, and I feel that to make no mention of it would be wrong. I have nothing to say about it really, other than I can't ignore it.
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