Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 256 (the clocks have changed)

Wonderful, so the clocks changed. Did BSM's sleep schedule magically shift by an hour? No, of course not. Why would we change the clocks? What mother voted for that one? Whatever.

Walking to drop BSM off at daycare, I passed many people, and wished them all a good morning. On my way back home, after dropping BSM off at daycare, I passed one of the women again. I gave her a big smile (she had been exceptionally friendly the first time I saw her today), and as I was about to wish her a good morning again, she said, "The third time, we get ice cream. Get ready!" I think that's great. Is it an Israeli idiom? That woman's original ad lib? I don't know.

Husbinator (with a tiny bit of help from me) took apart the huge cabinet that the Landpeople left in our saferoom/home office. The cabinet is your standard Israeli cabinet: impressive looking, but super-junky particle board. With that disassembled, we'll be able to take the pieces of the high-riser (a.k.a. daybed) from  behind the couch in the living room, and assemble it in Husbinator's office, giving ourselves a secondary guest room.

BSM refused to nap again today, which is very not cool. What is cool is that he danced in circles and laughed and laughed. That was before he got helplessly exhausted and his cruel mother wouldn't let him go to bed until 6:30, which felt like 7:30 to the poor kid. Durned clocks changing.

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