Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 259 (sunlight and olives)

I came downstairs this morning, and sunlight was streaming into the living room! I'm so glad we no longer have the high-riser mattresses blocking one of the sliding doors.

Our dryer was delivered today, which is cool, but it didn't come with a duct, so we'll have to get one before we can use it. Sooooo muuuuuch waaaaiiiitiiiiing.

Around the dryer getting delivered, we built the high-riser. We are now significantly closer to being prepared to have four sleepover guests this Shabbos. Good, good.

Not having mentioned the clocks changing, yet, I'll bring it up now. With the sun setting an hour earlier, it feels like forever from when BSM wakes up from his nap until his bedtime. Just sayin'.

Tonight, I finally pickled the olives that I've had soaking for a little over a week. I followed the directions for about 85% of the olives, but then it struck me that I don't generally like pickled stuff that's vinegar-y. So I did about 5 minutes of internet research, and realized that I'd better start over now. So I dumped out the brine from my zillions of jars and containers, and replaced it with plain saltwater and some olive oil on top. Now over half of the top shelf of my fridge is housing olives. They'll be ready to eat within 4 days to 2 months, depending on which internet source is to be believed. Huh boy. Though the humans I spoke with said a week to cure and week to pickle, so maybe I'll just believe them.

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