I caught BSM multitasking today, though it may be called "over-consuming media." He was playing with his electronic play table, and while it was singing its little ditty, he also slapped some buttons on his electronic alphabet apple toy, then vice versa.
Today was a frenzy of sukkah decorating and house cleaning. I had figured it was OK that our living room (a.k.a. "salon," i.e., living room/dining room combo) still had multiple stacks of boxes in it: after all, we'd be eating in the sukkah! But Husbinator pointed out that there was rain in the forecast, and we should probably be prepared to move inside. Fair point, Husbinator, fair point.
While we were sukkah-decorating, Rabbi Barzilai called over the fence and asked if we were going to cut the lulavim from our lulav tree. I told him I doubted we'd have time, but if he'd do us the favor... He did! I'm really glad he cut them instead of us: he knew that in order to harvest lulavim, you really have to cut off the outer branches, first. There is no other way to avoid impaling yourself. Good to know.
While he was here, Rabbi Barzilai also taught us how to tie palm rings to hold the lulav tight. This is excellent, since we haven't been able to find any lulav rings for sale. After he taught us how to tie them, I see why they aren't for sale: if you have a lulav and two minutes, you can make your own with minimal trouble. I feel very cool, having made our own lulav rings.
In between sukkah decorating and house cleaning and lulav cutting, I found the time to look up the weight for size 4 Target diapers. (Husbinator finally found the case of diapers I kept insisting I had packed in our lift, and a good thing, too: BSM is between diaper sizes in his Israeli brand.) Turns out that the weight range is exactly what I need for BSM right now. Of course, when I saw the Target weight in pounds. I had to convert to kilograms to figure that out...
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