Remember when I got the best parking spot at Rami Levy and was the first customer in the store at 7:45 am? That's because technically, Rami Levy only opens at 7:30 on Erev Shabbos/Erev Yontiff. Otherwise, it opens at 8. Whoops. So today I arrived at 7:58, and I got the second-best parking spot in the lot. Not quite as awesome as showing up before they open, but following rules is something I occasionally endorse.
One of the funnier side effects of living in a reasonably Charedi neighborhood is that about 90% of my Hebrew is spoken with women. That means that when I have an unexpected conversation with a man, (as when I passed the man whose family we invited for this Friday night and I stopped to ask him if they were coming), I won't necessarily address him using the masculine conjugations. Whoops. Guess I need to talk to more guys :P
I did a good job cooking today (apple pie, stuffed zucchini, noodle fish salad, soup), even with BSM's not napping. I do not like this pattern!!!
What I do like is that for the second time in a row, BSM was happy in the bath. I have no idea what changed between last week and this week, but tonight, rather than saying "all done" before he even hit the water, BSM didn't want to leave the tub. This is an improvement! I'd much rather fight about BSM getting out of the tub than him getting (and staying) in it.
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