Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 248 (Shabbos)

The Gordon's, who moved to the Yishuv a few weeks after we did, invited us to play games with them after Shabbos dinner! We were into the friendliness, but less into waking up BSM, so they very sweetly came to our house to play games. It's nice to hang out with new friends.

We had the Golds over for lunch, and we all enjoyed that, too. Yay, social circles!

Also in the yay category was BSM listening to me read from Bereishis (because he wanted me to read him a book and I wanted to read the parsha, so that was the obvious solution). When I read the pasuk about Hashem creating the sky to divide between the waters, BSM picked out the word "mayim" [water], and started saying, "Mayim? Mayim?" So we took a break to get him his sippy cup. I love that my baby understands chumash! Or bits of it, anyway, but how cool?

After Shabbos, I continued with the olive picking, figuring since it's so tactile, the neighbors' floodlights should be sufficient. I got a bunch of olives, but the next day I saw how many I missed. Still, it was definitely a good use of time. Also while olive-picking, I answered a question I had on the parsha. Why does it say that Adam and Chava hid "in the tree of the garden" rather than "among the trees of the garden"? Well, while I was tangled up in the olive tree branches, Husbinator came to look for me. He knew I had went to pick olives, but he didn't see me, so he asked where I was. Without pausing to think, I answered with my precise location: "In the tree." Oh.

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